Our Daily Walk

June 24th, 2011
Written by Manny Otiko in Our Daily Walk with 0 Comments
2010 Census shows the growing population of minorities in the U.S.
Although America bills itself as a melting pot for people from around the world, the United States has long had fractious relationships with Black Americans.African-Americans; descendants of Africans who were brought here forcibly, have contentious relationships with their native country. During the early part of the 21st century, many African-American artists such as Richard Wright and Josephine...
June 21st, 2011
Written by Cindy Ferraino in Our Daily Walk with 0 Comments
In a world turned upside down by tornados and tsunamis, as well as a downward spiraling economy, it is hard to find a dose of hope and faith in our daily lives.Instead of trying to chase after the hard times in life, we should stop and search for the small moments that creep up on us in the most unusual places - especially on the walls of a school.A few weeks ago, my three children’s schools...
June 13th, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Our Daily Walk with 0 Comments
As the final curtain is drawn on our pioneer civil rights leaders, we are reminded just how effective working together with courage and civility, can improve relations across race and culture. The death of civil rights leader, Clara Luper, is no exception.Luper, whose memorial services will be held June 17 at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City, is being remembered for her tireless fight...
May 4th, 2011
Written by Chris Benguhe in Our Daily Walk with 0 Comments
As spring unfolds and the winter doldrums quietly slip away, don’t forget to share your love and new beginnings with family and friends. Although some may experience that hard to satisfy but recurring symptom of Spring Fever, and even feel sad about the current state of economic affairs that affect so many of us today, but we can find solace in following these seven steps. Avoid the Tragedy...
April 21st, 2011
Written by Rita Cook in Our Daily Walk with 0 Comments
Spring is in the air. We all know it when the birds begin to sing, the snow begins to melt, and folks just seem to have a smile on their face.Marking spring for cultures in the Northern Hemisphere is the vernal equinox (meaning “equal night”) on March 21, a time when the sun crosses the equator from south to north making the day and night both an equal 12 hours, also called Ostara in pagan...


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